Upcoming Programs
January 9, Club Assembly, Grant awards, Clay Shoot planning, 4-Way Speech Contest
January 16, Anthony Lewis, Falls Future 2.0 Co-Chair, Community DEI Initiative
January 23, WFSO
January 30, Big Brothers, Big Sisters
February 6, Randy Cooper and Dick Bundy, Boys and Girls Club Capital Improvements
Remember, when you arrange a speaker, please send the following to Penny at least 2 weeks ahead of their presentation: presentation title, 2 or 3 sentence description of the topic, speaker’s name and organization they represent. A photo is also appreciated. This information is used for the club website and Facebook page to encourage attendance and guests.
Other News
We had a speaker on South Sudan a couple of months ago. The attached newsletter is a follow up to that program.
The Restaurant of the Month for January is Back Porch. Be sure to eat there sometime during January. If you would like a lunch partner, Penny plans to eat there on Thursday, January 11, 11:30. Yes, this is a change—work conflict came up.